The UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR)

UPLB CFNR Seminar Series discusses the role of indoor plants in improving indoor air quality

The College of Forestry and Natural Resources in collaboration with the Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension, and Linkages (OCREL) hosted its fifth CFNR Seminar Series titled, “Harnessing Indoor Plants for Enhanced Moisture Control in Office Environment” last July 5, 2024, at the Artemio V. Manza Room.

In her opening remarks, Associate Dean Analyn Codilan explained the importance of the seminar series in learning about international scientific research. “The mandate of the University is towards internationalization so we really welcome visiting professors like Dr. Essah so that we can enhance our skills, knowledge, and expertise in various areas,” Associate Dean Codilan said.

Dr. Emmanuel Essah, an Associate Professor from the School of Construction Management and Engineering at the University of Reading, discussed the ability of indoor plants to accumulate carbon dioxide, improve psychological well-being, and mitigate indoor air pollution. Specifically, he mentioned that the right indoor plants can prevent the sick building syndrome, which refers to various building-related symptoms one may experience by staying indoors. He also emphasized that plants are noise barriers, which may help the occupants’ social well-being. (Irish Gwyneth P. Habig, BS Devcom Student)

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