The UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR)


The Office of the Dean provides administrative support to the College of College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR).  The administrative staff and standing committees provide various types of support to carry out the activities of the Dean’s Office and other College-wide functions.

Office of the Dean and the Associate Dean

The Office of the College Dean and the Associate Dean function mainly to:

  • Develop, administer and promote the academic programs and academic support
    functions of the college including international programs;
  • Coordinate and promote academic proposals, changes, reviews, and other
    academic matters with the other deans of the university, and other institutions and
    groups; and
  • Develop and coordinate educational policies, planning functions and physical
    facilities planning and utilization of the college.

Marlo D. Mendoza, MDM

Analyn L. Codilan, PhD
Associate Dean

Organizational Structure

Administrative and Technical Services

Previously known as Administrative Services Unit, the Administrative and Technical Services is now part of the Office of the Dean.

It caters to the various needs of the College ranging from human resource development, information technology, financial management, campus planning and development and

records management to supply and property management.

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