Graduate Programs
Master of Forestry
A non-thesis forestry program with a minimum of 30 units of course work and 1 unit of seminar are required; at least 24 units must be for courses above the 200-level; 18 to 21 units must be in the major field; and 9 to 12 units must be in the minor field.
The different areas of specialization are in Forest Biological Sciences (Forest Botany, Forest Ecology, Forest Entomology, Forest Genetics, Forest Pathology, Forest Physiology), Forest Resources Management (Environmental Forest Management, Forest Policy and Administration, Forest Resource Economics, Forest Biometry, Nontimber Resources Management, Watershed Management), Silviculture and Forest Influences (Silviculture, Agroforestry, Tree Improvement), Social Forestry and Forest Governance, and Wood Science and Technology (Forest Products, Wood Science, Industrial Management). [Application Form]
Master of Science in Forestry
A regular thesis forestry program with a minimum of 24 units of course work, 1 unit of seminar, and 6 units of thesis are required; at least 18 units must be for courses above the 200-level; at least 15 units must be in the major field; and at least 9 units must be in the minor field.
The different areas of specialization are in Forest Biological Sciences (Forest Botany, Forest Ecology, Forest Entomology, Forest Genetics, Forest Pathology, Forest Physiology), Forest Resources Management (Environmental Forest Management, Forest Policy and Administration, Forest Resource Economics, Forest Biometry, Nontimber Resources Management, Watershed Management), Silviculture and Forest Influences (Silviculture, Agroforestry, Tree Improvement), Social Forestry and Forest Governance, and Wood Science and Technology (Forest Products, Wood Science, Industrial Management). [Application Form]
Master of Science in Natural Resources Conservation
A regular thesis program focusing on the principles and concepts of natural resources conservation, natural resources informatics, conservation planning, and the different approaches to natural resources conservation. It requires a minimum of 27 units of course work,1 unit of seminar and 6 units of thesis; 15 units of core courses must be taken and 12 units of specialization courses in the areas of Biodiversity Conservation, Parks and Outdoor Recreation Management, Coastal Resources Management. [Application Form]
Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry
Requires a minimum of 37 units comprised of 12 units of major courses, 6 units in each cognate field, 1 unit of seminar and 12 units of dissertation. For students with only 1 cognate field, 15 units are required for major courses and 9 units of courses under the cognate field.
The different areas of specialization are in Forest Biological Sciences (Forest Ecology, Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology, Forest Physiology), Forest Resources Management (Forest Policy and Administration, Forest Resource Economics, Forest Biometry, Nontimber Resources Management, Timber Resource Management, Watershed Management), Silviculture and Forest Influences (Silviculture, Agroforestry, Tree Improvement), Wood Science and Technology (Pulp and Paper Technology, Timber Mechanics, Wood Adhesion, Wood Anatomy, Wood Chemistry). [Application Form – PhD] | [Application Form – PhD by Research]